2025: new year's resolutions

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i feel its only fitting that after my last blog post reflecting on my 2024, i should discuss what i plan to do in 2025. i've experienced so much positive change this year that i have that momentum on my side to keep it going into the new year. there's a good few ideas that i have, and they are as follows.

1. make music.

this is a resolution i have had many years, but this time feels a lot more realistic than it was in the past. i've started to get an understanding for music that i previously never had before, and it has really inspired me to pursue that passion as much as possible. i still haven't actually written out a full song yet, but i am hoping to change that in the not-so-distant future. part of the reason i made my website was to also host downloads of whatever music projects i create alongside my soundcloud and youtube. i'm getting closer and closer to realizing this passion as a real thing i can continue working at, and i'm hopeful to have a decent body of work by year's end. and whenever i'm able to finish a project i am happy with, i'll be sure to share it in all the places.

2. continue maintaining this website.

ever since i was a kid, i wanted to have my own website for my own personal use. i had used free forum makers, diddled in notepad on my local network, and have used neocities for other projects in the past. well, this is the farthest i've ever gone with any website project since i started when i was little, and this morning i secured abbey2k1.xyz as the new home for this website. still hosted by neocities, but i now have a real web domain that i can proudly share to everyone i know. this gives me a ton of drive to continually update this site as much as possible, and hopefully decrease my use of social media by using this site how i normally would on twitter/bluesky. and to anyone who is an avid reader of this site, this resolution is great for you because that means there's always something new to check out here!

3. be kind to myself.

before i learned who i really was this year, i had a horrible time taking care of myself and my overall life. and while i still struggle with things nearly every week, i have noticed i have been taking care of myself far better than i ever did before. and with that, i want to continue to push myself forward by forming better habits, eating more consistently, and setting reminders for myself to combat my ADHD symptoms. self-growth has been the name of the game for 2024, and i want to expand upon that this next year in more aspects than just my self-image. giving myself the respect i deserve will be key to me having a great 2025 and beyond.

4. be kind to others.

i've been working for years on improving myself as a person. i used to be an asshole who rarely ever thought about others and actually really *cared* about others. this has been a work in progress since then, but i want to expand upon it this year, as i feel that my transition has dramatically helped in this aspect. its crazy that me being able to see myself in a positive, happy light, allows me to see others in the same way. i want to be less greedy and give to people more than i take in. i want to help those who need it when i can facilitate it. i want to be the friend a friend would want to have. i just want to be better for others in the ways they have been for me. love is more than just a word and a kiss, its a deep respect and care for those you cherish, and i have many people like that in my life. i think its time i show that more this year.

i'm sure there are more things to look towards in 2025, but these are the big bullet points. i've never been so eager to see what a new year brings than i am this year. my transition has made things feel so much less gloomy than they did before, and i can see a bright future ahead. i think 2025 is gearing up to be my kind of year. and i'll be damned if i let this new regime of tyrannists coming into power ruin my fun and happiness. i fight for my friends, and i fight for myself. we all have the right to a free and fulfilling life. i'll make sure of it in 2025. see ya on the other side, happy new year everyone. <3